Rantasauna, 14.3.1997 klo 23

From the investor's point of view, Merita was the best techno investment in a long time, since for a mere 16,22mk (+ shipping & handling 3,00mk + compound interest 4.1%) you could choose freely between three versatile financial instruments. Merita being the successor to Entropy's first real party, Ambient Sauna, one of three options even included an authentic ambient sauna with speakers placed under the benches!

Table 1: Merita's financial instruments

hardtrance & acid
dj Pietari, Waxman, Medda


ambient & dub
entropy dj team


heated ambient sauna
bring a towel!

After a smoke-filled night (thanks to a smoke machine that got stuck on "full blast" for ten minutes), our remaining clients were treated to the Ambient Aamiainen breakfast buffet.

(Ja n�ill� bileill�h�n ei sitten ollut yhtik�s mit��n tekemist� Merita Pankki Osakeyhti�n kanssa.)

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