G Rave was a part of Go To Hell
, a large inter-faculty party with members of the
following groups attending:
- Tietokilta
- Kemistikilta
- Vuorikilta
- Kätilöopisto
- Eläinlääketieteellinen (EKY ry)
- Oikeustieteellinen (Pykälä ry)
- Kansantaloustieteellinen
- Savolainen Osakunta
- Entropy
The party's theme was, as you can guess, HELL. Now, the party
also had a dance floor where they played pop, but of course the
reason you're reading this is that we set up the
G Rave,
Entropy's very own techno terrordome in the back of the party. 6
kilowatts of sound, lasers, Arclines, strobes, and lots of special
surprises. No expense was spared in the decoration: everything was covered
in dark black, streaked with flames of red and orange, dry ice bubbling
in vats everywhere, a video projector covering the walls with psychedelic
patterns, mysterious pale-faced wraiths and gas-masked techno
freaks floating in and out of the fog...
The guest stars of the event were
Vilai and
Galah of
the hardcore & gabber crew who also spun at
F Trap in September.
Co-starring was Entropy's own team featuring DJs like
Medda and
Kennu; Medda set a new record by
spinning a whopping total of 6 hours
during the party, even hijacking the pop section's equipment at one point.
With some 400 people there, some of them all the way up to 7 in the
morning, the party was a blast. Up next, Go To Heaven in '97?
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