Julkaistu: 19.11.2023, 17:03
-- Päivitetty: 12.12.2023, 15:54
e30 kokous
~ 14.12.2023, 19:00
Hei, tässä on seuraava kokous E30v-tapahtumaa varten! Kello 19:00 kerhohuoneella tai etänä.
More items will be added closer to the meeting.
- Volunteer/Nakki discussion
- Photo policy and potential professional photographer
- photo booth idea
- write down guidelines
- write on the website what our policy is
- Bracelets for attendees
- what kind
- what do we do with the volunteers and artists?
- staff lanyards?
- who designs it?
- Other items that need to be ordered: t-shirts, lanyards, stickers, ...