Released: 13.2.2023, 17:00
-- Updated: 24.2.2023, 13:46
Annual Meeting
~ 24.2.2023, 19:00
The meeting will be held on February 24th at 19:00 o’clock at Vaasankatu cabinet, located on the top floor of Vaasankatu 10. Sauna is available after the meeting, so bring your own bottles and towels. (seems that sauna is not working or something)
- Opening of the meeting
- Stating the quorum of the meeting
- Choosing the functionaries
- Accepting the agenda
- Announcements
- Action report for the year 2022
- Income statement and balance sheet for the year 2022
- Performance inspectors statement for the year 2022
- Accepting of the financial statement
- Releasing the account responsibles from their duties
- Selection of treasurer for the year 2023
- Membership fee and its due date for the year 2023
- Action plan for the year 2023
- Budget for the year 2023
- Handing out the new Entropist HC titles
- Other notable business
- End of the meeting