Join us?

Interested in our activities? By joining out mailing list you get information about our activities and events (some aren’t advertised anywhere else!). Our virtual existence also extends to a discussion board, Mattermost and a Telegram group and IRC.

You can also join our Telegram-group from the following link:

Become a member Join Mattermost

Want to participate?

You enjoyed yourself at our party and want to pitch in? There’s plenty to do, Dj’ing, designing and controlling the lighting (there will be workshops for both so you don’t have to be a professional, just enthusiastic). We also always need roadies, people who prepare food and snacks for the events, set up the audio equipment and decorations or whatever you can think of. Doing things together is the way we make it work.

The best way of getting to know Entropy (and, of course, our lovely and varied members) is participating in our events and/or their planning as well as checking out our semi-regular clubroom evenings. Event organizing mostly happens in Mattermost and you can join in it here. We welcome new people with open hearts =) If you are an IRC user, check out #entropy on IRCnet for a taste. Come to listen, participate and wonder.